5 Quick Tips to help you get Organized Now!
We can't believe that it's already May next week, and that means we're in the home stretch to finish out the school year!! It's important to stay on top of those to-do lists now more than ever to help May and June run as smoothly as possible. Check out our favorite tips and ways to help keep you on track in the classroom and at home! 1. Keep a planner. The Double Dose teachers cannot live without their matching planners! We write everything from meeting dates, lesson plans, and future ideas for resources, and everything in between. Pull out your flair pens and color coordinate as much as you can too! 2. Amp up your to-do list! I have so much going on in trying to juggle work, Teachers Pay Teachers, grad school assignments and things to do around my house…and most days I just.can’t.even. handle it all. I like to always have a visual list going, and section it off into the 4 areas of my life that I am trying to ma...