
Showing posts from July, 2018

Science Pocketbook Units!

What are Science Pocketbook Units?  Find all of your answer here! Pocketbook   units   consist of a science or social studies topic for the first, second, third or fourth grade classroom. This post will include photographs of the science units. Each student created their own pocketbook to store their work throughout the unit. The pocketbook serves as a comprehensive portfolio to refer to throughout the unit. Parents and administrators LOVE this idea of showcasing student learning1 H ow do students benefit from learning through pocketbooks ?   Pocketbook units are multimodal resources that capitalize on different learning styles amongst students. The units are extremely organized (which we love!), which teaches organization, but also increases students metacognition when recalling and synthesizing information on topics.  What types of resources/activities are included in the units?  1. POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS:   Begin the unit by engaging your...

10 Children's books for Teaching Extreme Weather

If  there  is  one  topic  that  we  have  taught  year  after  year, it would be Extreme Weather ! We love to supplement our lessons with highly engaging, informational texts to be read aloud, to show examples of real photographs and for DEAR time. Here is a list of our favorite books on this topic! 1   Tornadoes!  by Gail  Gibbons  is phenomenal!  Gail Gibbons never disappoints with any informational topic! This book explains how tornadoes are formed, explains the Fujita Scale and how to stay safe during a tornado in kid-friendly way! Amazon has a “Look Inside” feature on this book if you want to get a closer look! 2   National Geographic Kids: Storms by Miriam Busch  Goin  has a simple format with a table of contents and includes information on blizzards, monsoons, thunder and lightning, tornadoes, sandstorms, hurricanes and more!  Look inside this book on Amazon by clicking on the p...