Friday Favorites!
It’s Friday! Congrats to all the teachers out there who made it through another 5-day week! Our school has been having some 4-day weeks and long weekends lately so getting back into our teacher routine has filled our time. We’re linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea again for Friday Favorites. We just love this linky party!
Our first favorite this week is fall scarves. We just love how it dresses up our outfits, looks fashionable for daytime to going out, and just feels so cozy. This week the weather in Buffalo has been cold and rainy…luckily we each wore some big, comfy scarves this week to keep us warm!
Gold. Glitter.
Yes, just two simple words make our hearts melt. Actually those words make our hearts explode with gold glitter JEarlier this week we posted this photo to our Instagram page. The picture just sums up so much about us!
We finally had time to put up our bulletin board for our election unit and the end result makes us so proud! Our students have been working so hard to complete each day’s Social Studies lessons and we know they love seeing their hard work displayed in the hallway.
We’d love to see your bulletin boards!
All things TPT. Teachers Pay Teachers is normally a favorite of ours, but this week it’s what we’re calling a “super favorite!”
Recently we had the chance to visit the Teachers Pay Teachers Headquarters and we’re still trying to calm ourselves down after such excitement! Look for a post in the near future about this wonderful experience!
We’re looking forward to seeing some other Friday Favorites!
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